Harvard-Smithsonian Science Research Mentoring Program

An astrophysics mentoring program for Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Students

Apply to the SRMP program

Thank you for your interest in the SRMP!

Applications for the 2024-2025 SRMP Cohort are currently closed

If you are a graduate student, postdoc, or faculty member interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Andrew Szentgyorgyi at aszentgyorgyi@cfa.harvard.edu or Paola Domínguez Fernández at pdominguezfernandez@cfa.harvard.edu.

Application notice

Participation in the SRMP is currently exclusive to students enrolled at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS). This policy reflects thorough deliberation and dialogue with stakeholders from the Harvard Ed Portal, the Cambridge STEAM Initiative, CRLS faculty, and the Harvard-Smithsonian SRMP Co-Directors. Given the existing resource constraints, the program maintains its focus on CRLS to preserve the high level of support and quality experience for all mentors and mentees.

The ambition to broaden the scope of the SRMP program is a positive aim we continue to uphold. We are dedicated to assessing our resources and capabilities with the future prospect of expanding our reach.