Harvard-Smithsonian Science Research Mentoring Program

An astrophysics mentoring program for Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Students

Credit: Greggy Bazile

Welcome to the SRMP website!

The Science Research Mentoring Program (SRMP) at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) provides an opportunity for students from Cambridge Rindge & Latin School to work on a year-long independent research project in astrophysics under the guidance of a CfA astrophysicists. Students learn what it is actually like to conduct real, cutting-edge research and work closely with living scientists from diverse backgrounds. 

Experience hands-on with a CfA mentor

10-16 CRLS students annually, in teams of 2 or 3 per mentor.

Program spans September to May, with 2 weekly 2-hour meetings.

Monthly advisory sessions with the SRMP team.

In-person and/or virtual mentorship at CfA.

Culminates in a symposium student talks.

Students receive stipends courtesy of the City of Cambridge.


End-of-year symposia

At the end of the program, the students present their results in short talks and posters at a symposium hosted by Harvard University. Click on the links below to watch past years' symposia:

2017-2018 cohort

2018-2019 cohort

2019-2020 cohort

2020-2021 cohort

2021-2022 cohort




This program is supported in by the City of Cambridge and the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.